Interested in having Cornell minister at your next event? Well, it’s easy to do. Simply complete the form on this page. We will then review the information and contact you within 72 hours of receiving the request.


1. Typically, Cornell travels by vehicle to ministry opportunities and events. However, if the requested service, meeting, or event is more than 150 miles from our office, overnight accommodations may be necessary.

2. Cornell comes for a love offering, but realizes that this may mean different things to different groups. Thus, he asks that you, your church, group, or organization take the following points to heart:

(a) Cornell is a full-time minister and public speaker. Hence, this is his livelihood. In addition, he personally invests in every opportunity provided to him by using multi-media resources, worksheets, and props when possible.

Love offerings are above and beyond any expenses for travel, lodging, and meals.

(b) Multi-day events, such as retreats, camps, and training, should be paid via honorarium. The honorarium amount will need to be negotiated prior to finalizing the booking process.

We will do all we can to work out an amicable fee if finances are a major concern.

Thank you for considering Cornell as your service/event speaker. Upon receiving your booking form, he and/or his representative will contact you for more information concerning your request.

Cornell Jordan Ministries
PO Box 42 Kent, OH 44240
Phone. 330.474.6001
Toll Free. 800.819.9538